Thanks for checking out my website and blog! This post is more of a living document as I add, update, and change what I'm currently writing about or how the site works.
Below I'll answer some basic questions about me and where to find the type of content you're looking for.
Who am I?
I'm Kyle, an analytics and data engineering professional focused on helping organizations solve problems, implement data infrastructure, and teach fundamental data skills. My favorite things to do are learn, understand how things work, and help others do the same.
I have an M.S. in Business Analytics from the University of Denver and a B.S. in Accounting, minor in Computer Information Systems from Florida Gulf Coast University.
Why do I have a blog?
I love to learn, and I find that the best way to learn is to teach. Teaching forces one to frame the subject concisely without missing main components. It helps guide questions on the what, when, where, why, which, how, or if: like why do we do it this way? or how does this really work? or if we do it this way what will happen?
That said, I have this blog to do the following:
- Learn
- Have fun
- Share knowledge
- Have a creative outlet
- Practice web app development
What do I write about?
If this is the only post on my site, congrats, you did it, you've read my entire blog!
... I will be adding some more posts in the near future on analytics, programming, technology, and other fun stuff too.
Closing Remarks
Thanks again for visiting! Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or the contact page if you have questions, found a spelling mistake (highly probable), or just want to say hi.